Chandler Ranch - Paso Robles, CA
The objectives for the Chandler Ranch were to create a community that responded to the site's character and context. One of the overriding directives of the Chandler Ranch Master Plan was to preserve the oak woodlands that define the character of the property. Another objective was to create a balanced community that addressed the future housing needs in the area and provided the land values necessary to support a timely implementation of public improvements.
The planning concept for Chandler Ranch provided for the extension of several City master planned streets designed to minimize the impact on the oak woodlands, reinforce the scenic gateway to Paso Robles and to preserve the natural character of the property. A central element of the plan was an expansive open space corridor that connected the southern end of the site, through the entire Community, with Barney Schwartz Park at the northern end. The Galloway Group provided comprehensive planning and design services on the overall property while focusing on the specific planning for the Client's property (which accounted for about 675 of the total 833 acre plan area). The overall plan proposed over 1,150 residential units and a mix of commercial uses.